Cardsmith Blog

May Updates - Part 2

The latest round of account features is now online. You can add/edit profile details that will be displayed on the new User Gallery pages. Keep an eye on this area as it will most likely expand in the future.

We've also sent out another round of Account Beta invites, so watch your email if you've signed up.

Keep an eye out later this week for another important site announcement. We're planning some infrastructure changes and it may affect availability for a short time. More details soon!

Want to stay up to date? Follow MTG Cardsmith on Facebook or Twitter for easy updates.
May 11, 2014 by MTG Cardsmith

May Updates - Part 1

We've been working hard getting account features online, and starting yesterday we've begun sending out Beta invites! In addition to account features, we've made some upgrades to common site areas:

  • Prev/Next buttons on a single card page now work as you would expect, with respect to a gallery view, instead of time-based arrows that no one could understand.
  • Prev/Next buttons on a card view that come from an account/user page, will maintain an account filter, letting you only view the other cards from that user's collection. (yay!)
  • User account galleries have an improved view, with more account-based features on the way. For an example, check out Darquell's Collection.
  • Site header update, a bit more compact and removed double bars.

You still have time to sign up for a beta account.

Want to stay up to date? Follow MTG Cardsmith on Facebook for easy updates.
May 03, 2014 by MTG Cardsmith

Cardsmith Membership Accounts (Beta)

Today we're rolling out an exciting new phase of site features, something that has been requested often over time and that we've secretly been working on.

User Accounts are now a real thing on MTG Cardsmith. With a Cardsmith account, you can manage your own card library, removing any that you no longer want or duplicates from mistakes that were made.

Having user accounts also opens up possibilities for many exciting new community features that we hope to release in the future as well. Because we want this to be done right, accounts will be available through a closed beta at first, while we get feedback and squash any bugs.

Click here to join the beta sign-up list today!

Thanks to everyone for their support and donations over the last few months. It is because of community members like you that we are able keep the site running and we keep working hard on new features (like this)!
Apr 27, 2014 by MTG Cardsmith

Journey Into Nyx Updates & More

It's been a big week for Magic with all of the Journey Into Nyx spoilers making their rounds. As we did with BNG, we've added the new icon to all of our card generators so check it out!
Earlier this week we also re-worked the counts and cards that work towards achieving Honored and Legendary status, once again removing tokens from boosting numbers too easily.

We're working hard on some upcoming features and changes, so if it seems quiet... too quiet - that's why!
Apr 13, 2014 by MTG Cardsmith

Token Contest Winners!

Today we're happy to announce the winners of our Print & Share Token Contest!

First Place:

Not only did Jacob do a great job photoshopping his friend being chased by a giant wurm, he also used the token to defeat Dan (pictured) in play at his local game shop. A great example of creativity and having some fun with it, which is what Magic should be all about!

Second Place:

Adam went to the drawing board with these submissions, opting to share both normal custom tokens and also drawing and uploading his own artwork to use! For going fully custom, he'll walk away with two prize booster packs!

Third Place:

Who doesn't love a good Brimaz on the board? He makes cats with just about everything he does, so we're glad Gregory has some fun designs to share with you while you are getting overrun by fuzzy/grumpy cats.

We'd like to thank all participants in the contest, it wasn't an easy decision! As always, keep an eye out for more contests in the future.

Lastly, if you are interested in sponsoring a Cardsmith Contest, please email with your ideas!
Apr 06, 2014 by MTG Cardsmith
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