Cardsmith Blog

Token Contest Submissions Closed

As of today all entries in our Print & Share Token Contest have been received. We're looking over them now and will be announcing the winners soon. Thanks to everyone who participated, this community has some amazing creativity!

Check out the complete Contest Gallery on our Facebook Page.
Apr 02, 2014 by MTG Cardsmith

Token Contest Updates

Check out our Facebook photo album for the most recent contest entries! Want to win booster packs and think you can do better? Enter Today!

Mar 23, 2014 by MTG Cardsmith

Print & Share Token Contest

We know a lot of you are already using custom printed tokens from MTG Cardsmith in games, which we love!
We wanted to give the community a chance to show off their creations and possibly win some booster packs at the same time:
Presenting the MTG Cardsmith Print & Share Token Contest!

How to Enter

To enter this contest, send us a picture of your printed custom tokens, preferably along with the Magic card that generates them (example below). Or even show them being used in play, get creative!

You can submit your picture in the following ways:

Contest Prizes

  • First place: 3 Born of the Gods Booster Packs
  • Second place: 2 Born of the Gods Booster Packs
  • Third place: 1 Born of the Gods Booster Pack

That's it! Entries to win prizes will be judged based on token quality/artwork/humor by the official and mysterious MTG Cardsmith Judges. Entries will be accepted from March 17 - April 1, 2014, with winners to be announced by Friday, April 11, 2014.

By submitting a photo in one of the ways above and entering the contest, you agree to the following:

RULES: No purchase necessary. Entrants must be a resident of the United States and over the age of 13 to redeem prizes. Contest begins March 17, 2014 and ends April 1st, 2014. Three (3) winners will receive Magic: The Gathering Born of The Gods™ booster packs worth a total estimated prize value of $23.94. Winners will be announced by April 11th, 2014. Prizes will be delivered 2-4 weeks weeks after April 11, 2014. Each entrant/address may only win one prize. Each entrant authorizes their photo submission & username for contest and future promotional use by MTG Cardsmith. By following the contest entry steps listed above you agree to the terms and rules of the contest.

Questions? Contact
Mar 17, 2014 by MTG Cardsmith

March News and Updates, Pt. 2

Card Removal is Back!

We found a bug that was preventing the Card Removal Request form from working for about a week. The bug has been fixed, so if you have any cards we may have missed, send them along (even in a single request). Thanks!

Spring Cleaning & Server Storage

As mentioned in the previous post, server space is becoming an issue. After collecting all of the survey results, the most popular vote was to remove any anonymous cards after they are 90 days old.
The Good News: This morning we successfully cleaned up 14,688 cards from our servers.
The Bad News: This removal only freed up 6GB of storage space, leaving around 70,000 active cards online. If you're curious about the card count, there's an automatically updating number on the homepage.

This means we're also going to have to take a few other steps to ensure a stable, long-term MTG Cardsmith for everyone! We'll be posting more about upcoming improvements as we consider them/as they are rolled out.

For now, we have a bit more breathing room to focus on site improvements, community events, and awesome card recognition! Thanks to everyone for their feedback and input so far. As always, if you have other site or community ideas, send an email to or post on our new Facebook page!

Mar 16, 2014 by MTG Cardsmith

March News and Updates

Hello Cardsmiths!
We've got a few different updates and site news to share with you, including some important site information.

Card Categories

You now have the ability to tag cards with one of the following four categories:
  • Realistic
  • Funny/Unglued
  • Proxy
  • Original Art
This new field is available on Custom MTG Cards and Planeswalkers and will soon be used as an additional site filter. If you want your realistic cards to show up under the new filter, be sure to select an appropriate category!

MTG Cardsmith on Facebook!

We finally got around to setting up a Facebook page for MTG Cardsmith. Like our page and check it out to stay informed on the latest site news and contest information!

A Note on Constructive Criticism

We've noticed an increase in negative comments being left throughout the site. We'd like to remind card creators that if you are leaving comments for others be as constructive and positive as possible. The Cardsmith Community is better off when we can give feedback that is helpful to improving overall card quality. Also, if you are receiving feedback, take the high road when a flaw/improvement is pointed out, and thank others for their input!

Site News: Running out of Space!

I've saved this bit for last as it's the most important. With over 84,000 custom cards (at the time of writing), MTG Cardsmith is running out of space. Up until now we've been able to keep everything unlimited without removing older cards. At the rate we are growing (great!), we're going to need to make some changes.

Please fill out the updated survey on the Feature Suggestions page to give your input of how we can best address this issue.

If you would like to help out immediately, please donate to keep our servers running!
Mar 09, 2014 by MTG Cardsmith
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