Cardsmith Blog

Latest New Features

As you've probably noticed, the homepage has had some upgrades! Aside from a few improved usability aspects, you can now search cards in the left sidebar by Author Name as well.

We have also rolled out a new Featured Card section, in an effort to showcase interesting, well-made cards. Featured cards will be chosen dependent on a variety of traits, including artwork, creativity, balance, and realism.

Our first Featured Card is Champion of the People by Viridian.

We love that this card uses the Heroic mechanic, the artwork fits the title incredibly well, and research was done to give the artist proper credit. Viridian's gallery also has many other amazing cards that we encourage you to check out and provide feedback for!

We hope you like the changes, and are excited to keep improving for the Cardsmith community!
Feb 09, 2014 by Eva

MTG Subreddits & Art Resources Worth Following

If you're looking for more outlets to discuss MTG, Reddit has quite a few options other than /r/magicTCG to check out.

The top three most useful subreddits for Cardsmiths:

/r/custommagic - for mechanics feedback
Redditors post their custom card creations here, and pretty much all posts receive comments with constructive criticism. There's an active community here and there's a nice balance of people showing off cards and asking for opinions. Word of warning: when posting cards, be sure that the cards being posted have given credit to the artist, or the post will be deleted.

/r/mtgporn - for artwork
Largely SFW, this subreddit comprises of higher res MTG art, many of which are large enough for use as desktop wallpapers or print. is another great place to find actual Magic artwork for making proxy cards.

/r/mtgcube - for a custom draft set community
/r/mtgcube is dedicated to all things related to Cube drafting. This sub also has an active community and they're very willing to answer questions and provide feedback. There are also a lot of resources in the sidebar for getting started, if you're just getting into it.

We'd love to hear whether you already follow these subreddits or have others that you think would be helpful to add to the list!
Feb 06, 2014 by Eva

Feature: Hybrid Mana Symbols

Over the weekend we released an update to our primary MTG Custom Card Maker. The Card Cost area now has two modes available to choose from:

Simple Casting Cost

This is the standard mana symbol entry, which has been in place since day one. We want to keep things simple for new card authors and this is all that's required in most cases.

Advanced Casting Cost

Here is where real customization can be Unleashed (pun intended). Above the text box you will see most of the mana symbols you need. Clicking on a symbol will add the appropriate code to the input box. Alternatively, you can also manually enter symbol codes to get the desired results. Only valid codes will be displayed on the card, so if something isn't working check your syntax. Hybrid mana symbols are formatted like: {r/w} with the left-most color coming first in order. Higher colorless options are available if entered manually: {9}.

On the Magic Card Maker, you will notice a new text button to switch between the modes. Keep in mind that when you switch back from Advanced to Simple, your custom cost will be cleared out.

As always if you have any additional questions or comments please feel free to leave them here or send us an email!
Feb 03, 2014 by MTG Cardsmith

Standard Tokens: Blue Elemental

It's time again to bring style to the table with some slick custom Elemental tokens. We've been playing some blue devotion here lately and wanted round up some of our favorite Elemental tokens, (from our friend Master of Waves), that have been made on MTG Cardsmith. Enjoy!

Got any others? Make your own MTG Token and add your link in the comments!

"The element of change and adaptability; capable of taking any form."
Feb 02, 2014 by MTG Cardsmith

Latest Updates

We've made a few changes to the feedback form on the New Features and Suggestions page to make your feedback even more valuable.

Update 1/26:

  • I've added additional colorless mana options to the MTG Card Maker and the Planeswalker Maker. Eldrazi and Karn cost-level creatures should now be easier to make!
  • Fixed a bug that was adding an extra space to Activated Abilities without mana costs.

We've seen lots of great custom MTG cards out there this week, keep up the awesome ideas!
Jan 22, 2014 by MTG Cardsmith
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