May Updates - Part 1

We've been working hard getting account features online, and starting yesterday we've begun sending out Beta invites! In addition to account features, we've made some upgrades to common site areas:

  • Prev/Next buttons on a single card page now work as you would expect, with respect to a gallery view, instead of time-based arrows that no one could understand.
  • Prev/Next buttons on a card view that come from an account/user page, will maintain an account filter, letting you only view the other cards from that user's collection. (yay!)
  • User account galleries have an improved view, with more account-based features on the way. For an example, check out Darquell's Collection.
  • Site header update, a bit more compact and removed double bars.

You still have time to sign up for a beta account.

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May 03, 2014 by MTG Cardsmith
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