Cardsmith Blog

New Layout and Style

As you can see I've made some major changes, organized the navigation, and made the site more mobile-responsive.
  • Larger buttons on upload/creation forms.
  • New footer with more content on the way.
  • Fixed some issues with header navigation.
  • We've gone green! (because that's a thing, right?)
Apr 05, 2013 by MTG Cardsmith

Time to get real: Special Abilities gain Italics format

Lots of people have been asking for this one, so I'm happy to announce its here. You can now add italics text to your custom effects (types like Morbid, Extort, and Bloodrush).

Here's how:

Add a Passive Ability to your card, use (effect text here) tags for the italics text.
Then just preview the card to make sure it looks how you want:

Also added:

  • DISQUS comments to artist galleries, let them know!
  • Working on further DISQUS comment integration.

Props this weekend go out to authors NJG and MPS17 both for adding some amazing looking cards over the last week. The card-fu is strong with these two.
Apr 05, 2013 by MTG Cardsmith

Comments and Navigation

Some small updates today. Props go out to author Gollum Mecklesworth for adding some pretty awesome cards while I was working.
  • Added DISQUS for comments to cards.
  • Improvements to pagination, hope you like them!
Apr 05, 2013 by MTG Cardsmith


A few more updates:
  • Lands will now display the correct background if you supply the correct subtype (eg. Mountain, Plain, Swamp, etc.).
  • Short Urls will now include text after the comma.
  • Passive Ability text will now resize to fit more on the card.
  • The Planeswalker Upload screen now has a mask to aid in planeswalker art cropping.
  • Fixed a bug with flavor text sizing and placement.
  • Added more Core Abilities, including swampwalk(etc), indestructible
  • NEW: Honored Authors section promotes the hard work of the most active and recent artists from the last 5 days.
Apr 05, 2013 by MTG Cardsmith

Minor updates, bumps and bruises

A few weekend updates for everyone:
  • Update to the Card saving process so it won't die saving certain titles.
  • Title and subtitle text will now shrink (within reason) on longer titles/mana costs.
  • Fixed an early bug with Planeswalkers that wouldn't allow certain types of images.
  • Minor increase to image upload size.

Have a good one!
Apr 05, 2013 by MTG Cardsmith
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