Cardsmith Blog

Saturday Swagger

Thank you Authors, for keeping the site so. damn. fresh. every single day. Keep it up!
We've got some exciting things in store for Halloween October, but I've already said too much.
Sep 21, 2013 by MTG Cardsmith

Site Question: Should Tokens Count?

As MTG Cardsmith users, do you think generated Token cards should "count" for users trying to get on the Honored and Legendary Authors lists? Based on the quality of tokens I've seen, I'm leaning towards no, and making a change.

What do you think? Leave your vote in the comments below.

Update: I have disabled Tokens from counting, thanks all for the input!
Sep 10, 2013 by MTG Cardsmith

MTG Cardsmith is going to PAX2013!

MTG Cardsmith is heading to PAX2013 to enjoy a weekend of gaming, after-parties, and of course, Magic The Gathering. If you want to keep up with the latest #happenings from the convention, Follow MTGCardsmith on Twitter. I'll be tweeting out some pics from the Expo Hall floor and any sweetness from the WOTC Booth.

If you are also going to PAX, feel free to tweet at me or say hey! Maybe I'll even let you beat down my lame Slivers standard deck.
Aug 29, 2013 by MTG Cardsmith

Over 30,000 Custom Magic Cards

Today marks another milestone in the MTG Cardsmith history. We've just hit 30,000 custom magic cards, made by users like you! Unfortunately 26,000 are OP. (I kid, I kid!)
Thanks to everyone for your continued support of the site. If you want to go above and beyond, consider donating to help offset server expenses. See you at 50,000!

"Sometimes the prize is not worth the costs. The means by which we achieve victory are as important as the victory itself."
Aug 22, 2013 by MTG Cardsmith

Maintenance/Bug Fixes


  • Fixed the */* bug on tokens, the stars will now display properly.
  • Fixed a caching bug with the Random Card link - full redirect so you can safely add comments again.
  • Cleaned out about 4GB of dead cards that weren't published. Should make the server space last a bit longer.
  • Note: If you don't publish a card but try to link to the display url/image anyway, it won't stick around. Dead cards get flushed auto-magically now. If you want to save/share but not publish, you should download the render image.

As always if you have ideas or requests, add them in a comment on this post or shoot me an email. -Cheers!

"Individual insanity is immune to the consequences of collective insanity."
Aug 16, 2013 by MTG Cardsmith
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