Legen... wait for it...
Last month we got not one, but TWO new card borders! The now infamous colored artifacts and the completely amazing Dary borders... Oh wait, sorry, Tomigon just reminded me they're the new Legendary Borders! This month, in honor of these fantastic new borders, we're looking for Noncreature Legendary Spells! Instants, Sorceries and Enchantments of any kind, as long as they're LEGENDARY! Submit your entries and some of our favorites might just end up becoming featured!Featured Cardsmiths
TesarandWe've been blessed with having some incredible Cardsmiths over the years, and Tesarand is just one more of those incredible Cardsmiths we think you should know about! Her designs are thoughtful, well crafted and getting better all the time! We grabbed just a handful of Tesarand's cards that we wanted you to check out because we think you're gonna love them as much as we do!

Gelectrode has been a key member of the Cardsmith community for a while now, and we're sad to hear they will be leaving us for a while. We think their cards and designs are amazing and we wanted to take this opportunity to make sure everyone has a chance to take a look at what's been done! We all agree that they will be missed while they're away, so until the grand return, let's take a few moments to check out some creations and drop a few favorites on them!

Each month we're excited to highlight just a couple of Cardsmiths that have helped make MTGCardsmith the best interactive online Card Creator. We hope you'll take some time to check out their creations!
Cardsmith Updates
Livestreaming Schedule - Be sure to check the forums for our weekly MTG Arena livestream schedule. We're participating in the closed beta on Twitch at https://twitch.tv/mtgcardsmith. You can also become a Follower (it's free!) on Twitch for go-live updates and more.Artist Artwork Requests - If you are using artwork from another source, or going directly to the artists page please seek out the permission of artists before you incorporate their artwork into cards. If your artwork gets flagged or requested by an artist to be removed, the card will be deleted immediately! Use your best judgement here and abide by the Terms of the site.
Premium Members - Thank you for your continued support! As mentioned above, last month we released two new card borders to the community, as well as other functional updates and improvements. The only reason that happens is because of SUPPORTERS LIKE YOU! Starting next week, listen into our live stream for a shout out to new supporters each week - you deserve it!
If you are interested in supporting the site, subscribe to a Premium Membership today for profile benefits and more!