You've asked for it, and now they're here! Artifacts with colored borders have arrived! So now we want to see what all the fuss is about! (Don't worry, we know what the fuss is about.) Show off some of your best custom Artifacts with your favorite color identity and you could find that card Featured this month!
Lujikul has been a contributing member of MTGCardsmith since joining back in 2016. He's always pitching in with fun designs and interesting concepts. We love having him around, so take a little time and check out these and more of Lujikul's cards by following the link above, and the links on the cards!

We've never featured a Cardsmith with so few custom card creations before, and probably never will again. Even though he doesn't make many cards, most of you know him from his card comments! Whether you love his comments or not, Phelgming has been helping all of us make better cards with his sage advice for quite a while now, and this is our way of saying thanks for being a valued part of the community. Now go check out the smallest card collection we've ever featured!
Each month we're excited to highlight just a couple of Cardsmiths that have helped make MTGCardsmith the best interactive online Card Creator. We hope you'll take some time to check out their creations!
Featured Cardsmiths
LujikulLujikul has been a contributing member of MTGCardsmith since joining back in 2016. He's always pitching in with fun designs and interesting concepts. We love having him around, so take a little time and check out these and more of Lujikul's cards by following the link above, and the links on the cards!

We've never featured a Cardsmith with so few custom card creations before, and probably never will again. Even though he doesn't make many cards, most of you know him from his card comments! Whether you love his comments or not, Phelgming has been helping all of us make better cards with his sage advice for quite a while now, and this is our way of saying thanks for being a valued part of the community. Now go check out the smallest card collection we've ever featured!

Each month we're excited to highlight just a couple of Cardsmiths that have helped make MTGCardsmith the best interactive online Card Creator. We hope you'll take some time to check out their creations!