Upcoming Maintenance & Downtime

It's been a very exciting month for MTG Cardsmith so far, with the addition of user accounts and watching the community adopt and explore the new features. We're growing, which is awesome, but it does bring a few side effects. We are in severe danger of running out of server space, which would bring all services to a complete stop. Adding member accounts and site card retention rules will help; but before we can open those up to everyone, our server needs some love.

Site\Traffic Stats:
  • Published cards per day: 500+
  • Saved cards per month: 13,000+
  • Total cards saved and active: 94,000+
  • Pageviews per month: 550,000+
  • Pageview increase since 2013: 431.56%

What this means for us: We need a bigger, better server! (Preferably Indestructible.)
What this means for you: Upcoming Site Downtime

Because we are a free service, operating on a shoestring budget, we only have one lil' server. So while we upgrade services and get a big boost on space (for everyone!), we're going to need to take the site down. We anticipate the outage will take a few hours during this Saturday, May 17th. We'll be working as quickly as possible to return everything online, and once we're fully back - we'll be opening up Member Accounts to everyone! (Expect a celebratory blog post here.)

If you would like to help out immediately, please donate to keep our server running!

tl;dr: MTG Cardsmith will be offline for a few hours on May 17th. It will be okay.
May 14, 2014 by MTG Cardsmith
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