What is the Tome?
Years ago the Mechanics Encyclopedia for all was created, and since then Cardsmiths great and small have filled it's pages with their own custom mechanics. But finding those mechanics in the Encyclopedia can be a daunting task if you're not sure of what you're looking for. Until now you either had to sift through every page and comment to try and locate a mechanic, or you could spend even more time sifting through a Cardsmith's cards, hoping they made something you wanted to use.
We've sifted through all the pages and collected most of the mechanics that have been submitted to the Mechanics Encyclopedia for all, we've used all the data we could from custom mechanic discussions and incorporated as many ideas as we could from all the Cardsmiths who have helped make improvements along the way. Now, after a lot of hard work, we bring you the Tome of TheMechanix!
The Tome of TheMechanix is designed to help display the Custom Mechanics we've all come up with over the years, and to make it easier for everyone to search for and locate a Custom Mechanic that fits their needs. Need a mechanic for a Vampire? Maybe Draining by Noobplayzgames is just what you need. Looking for a way to get cards from your graveyard back into your library? Perhaps Restore by sorinjace will do the trick. Can't remember the name of that amazing mechanic by Beeswax, Faiths_Guide or any of your other favorite Cardsmiths? All you have to do is look for them in the Tome of TheMechanix.
Theme of the Month
And so in honor of this momentous occasion, we're making custom mechanics our Theme of the Month for June! All you have to do is open up the Tome and select a mechanic, make a new card with it (giving credit to the originator of the mechanic of course!) and then submit that card to this month's Forum Post. A few of our favorite submissions might even make it to the Featured section on the front page, along with cards from our Featured Cardsmiths!

Considering this is the Month of Custom Mechanics, we wanted to take this opportunity to shine a little light on TheMechanix. We started this little endeavor of ours as a way to bring custom mechanics to life and to support the Mechanix Challenge. Over 500 of the Custom Mechanics submitted to MTGCardsmith have been given a home in The Mechanix card library. If you're thinking about bringing a custom mechanic to life, check out TheMechanix cards and find some inspiration.

RohanDragoon is a self-proclaimed superfriends enthusiast, but we all know his true passion is EDH! He has been making cards off and on for five years now, and like many of us, has deleted more than a few of them in order to make room for more cards. We've been big fans of RohanDragoon for a while now, and we think you will be too once you check out a few of this Featured Cardsmith's cards!

Our final Featured Cardsmith of June has an affinity for the Orzhov Syndicate, but might be seen splashing in some green here and there for a really nasty Ooze! We think you'll find more than a few gems, and a couple of goats as well, when you check out TheCenterOfTheUniverse's cards firsthand! Make sure to drop a few favorites along the way!

Each month we're excited to highlight a few Cardsmiths that have helped make MTGCardsmith the best interactive online Card Creator. We hope you'll take some time to check out their creations!