Mystery Box Prestige
The First Three Have Done It!
It only took these three great Cardsmiths a combined 565 Mystery Box entries to achieve this milestone, among many other stats. Without further ado, please help me honor these three great Cardsmiths:
50 Mystery Box points is all it takes to prestige in the Mystery Box community, but let's take a quick peak at this milestone and these Cardsmiths' journeys to achieve this great feat.Jadefire
Let's start with...
Sitting at 50 points on the dot, Corwinnn has produced a whopping 166 mystery box entries and has earned a grand total of 90 mystery box prizes. Slapping a few points onto the total with 6 duel wins and 5 moshpit wins, Corwinnn has the 2nd most deadline points at 75. In perspective this is 15 first place finished, or 25 second place finishes. ASTOUNDING numbers. The most memorable mystery box moment for me with Corwinnn is when, after exactly 100 pages of dormancy, a perfectly timed entry arrived on page 140. Here's this post, and here's the card. Since then, Corwinnn has gone from not even in the Top 50, to 3rd Place!
Boasting the quickest prestige of any mystery boxer, cadstar has gone from 0 points to 57 points in what seems like 0 to 57 seconds. August 2021 was cadstar's first mystery box. That's 20.625 mystery boxes per month! Unreal participation from this talented Cardsmith. Tallying up at 165 entries, 119 earned prizes, and the 2nd highest competitive rating of any mystery boxer, cadstar's tenacity is ever apparent. Additionally, 18 duel wins and 69 deadline points, puts him in 2nd place all-time among Mystery Boxers. That equates to about 23 2nd place deadline finished, or 14 first place finishes. Astonishing work! Here's that first ever entry!
How do we go about describing the seemingly untouchable Jadefire? 101 mystery box points puts Jadefire's participation level at nearly double everyone else's. 234 cards have been submitted by this Legendary Cardsmith. The most eye-opening stat is that he's one of the only Cardsmiths that boasts more earned prizes than entries submitted, a jaw-dropping 246 prizes in Jadefire's pocket. Tied for the most duel wins at 18 and the most moshpit wins at 5, Jadefire is not only a hard working Mystery Boxer, but a competitive one! Get ready for the eye-watering statistic: 168 Deadline Points. This is more than double the 2nd highest in this category (34 first place finishes, or 56 second place finishes). I'm not sure if there's another Cardsmith in the community that's participated in a discussion more than Jadefire has participated in the Mystery Box Challenges, but who's counting? How can we pick just one mystery box entry from this master Cardsmith? How about just any random old card, from a random old mystery challenge...
The Mystery Box Prestige
Welcome to the select few Jadefire, cadstar369, and Corwinnn. Your participation and commitment motivates me and other community members to keep coming back for more fun. Today, we honor your role as a Mystery Boxer and a valued community member. While you won't be the last to prestige, you were the first to reach that milestone of 50 points. Cheers to your continued endeavors!
- jpastor
Our first Cardsmith this month is hileandr. A member since 2019, hileandr is a very skilled Cardsmith who’s currently working on a custom set with some cool mechanics. Not only that, but hileandr often leaves helpful feedback to others. Please enjoy these cards and be sure to add some favorites on the ones you like!
Our second Featured Cardsmith is TalentedTalonflame. This Cardsmith has been around for about a year and loves making powerful rare and mythic rare cards, as well as an abundance of land cards. We're confident you'll find something here you find both imaginative and cool. Don't be afraid to check these cards out and put your stamp of approval on them.
Each month we're excited to highlight a few Cardsmiths that have helped make MTGCardsmith the best interactive online Card Creator. We hope you'll take some time to check out their creations!