Hello Cardsmiths! At long last, our crowdfunding campaign has come to a close. While we were unsuccessful in reaching our goal, we learned many things we can take and use as we continue forward. Thank you to all of our supporters and backers for your donations and inertia over the last month - we know it takes a lot of energy to campaign!
Some immediate outcomes:
- Our top priority is keeping the servers running and open with enough space for new cards. We are looking at the possibilities and they are all pretty grim: they require removing cards for expired or potentially existing members. Example: in June, Cardsmiths made over 19,800 custom cards, or about 7GB worth. Our server has around 20GB of space remaining. The math here isn't pretty, so we're going to act on this soon. This may/may not be related to the recent abrupt outages we have been experiencing, we're still investigating.
- We're going to have to find another way to revamp the design and build it out. As we mentioned in the campaign, this is our next priority for major development.
- Custom Sets are on hold until the above issues are sorted or at least in progress.
- We may be looking at alternative funding options in the future, but for now everyone should have a break, including the homepage - which has been reset.
- We still want to get some playmats made, the artwork is too badass not to make it happen!
In other site news, our Beach Party Contest was a huge success, with 107 total entries - making it our largest site contest to date. Congrats to Xenthori on his winning entry: Goblin Sea Raiders. To view the full contest results and judge's rulings, view the Beach Party contest results.
Congrats to our winners, and thanks to everyone who participated! If you missed it, be sure to check out the submissions. Finally, a big shout out to our judges, Beeswax, Callous, and Suicidal_Deity for their tremendous reviews!
Last but not least, we've added new set symbols just in time for the upcoming Magic Origins release. We hope you will find them worthy.
Stay frosty.