Dust Your Brooms

Time to Clean Up!

Spring is upon us and Spring Cleaning is a thing! This month we'd like to see things a little neater on the board, so we're looking for cards that destroy, exile and generally remove unwanted things. Be sure to submit your entry to the FORUMS if you want an opportunity to see it earn a Feature this month!

Let's see which Cardsmiths cleaned up this Month!

Our first Featured Cardsmith for April is theirintheattic. A smithing regular for the past two years, theirintheattic understands the game well and creates fun, flavorful and realistic cards, as well as a few legendary creatures. Check out theirintheattic's five cards below and be sure to drop some favorites on them!

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Psyre is our second Cardsmith selection for the month of April. This Cardsmith arrived almost two years ago and has managed to make more than a few cards we think you'll like! Here are just five below, but if you check out Psyre's page, you'll find even more. Be sure to drop a few favorites while you're looking around!

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Each month we're excited to highlight a few Cardsmiths that have helped make MTGCardsmith the best interactive online Card Creator. We hope you'll take some time to check out their creations!

By: Corwinnn, Tomigon & jpastor

Apr 07, 2022 by MTG Cardsmith
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